Sunday, 11 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445 | 2024/05/19
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Hizb ut-Tahrir

The Most Important Basis that the State is built upon: The Principle of Adherence to the Shariah Rule is one of the Most Important Basis that the State and the Life of the People is Built Upon

Forsaking the value of adherence to Shariah rules which is one of the basis that the state is built on, and one of  the foundations upon which the lives of individuals are based on, had a great impact on the lives of the Muslims

The Neo-Crusaders Unite their Guile and Continue their Killing and Aggression against Muslim Countries and the Rulers in the Region Fight under their Banner Unashamed of Allah and His Messenger and the Believers (Translated)

America still continues its aggression on the Muslim countries with aircraft missiles and warships rockets since it began its latest rounds in Iraq on 08/08/2014 CE. This aggression was escalated with raids on Syria on 23/9/2014, recruiting with it the traitor rulers in the region, the alliance and their followers have followed: France on 19/09/2014 and Britain with the consent of its parliament on 26/09/2014, and their followers.

Participation in Obama's Colonial Alliance is a Major Crime and Overwhelming Deceit ((سَيُصِيبُ الَّذِينَ أَجْرَمُوا صَغَارٌ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ وَعَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ بِمَا كَانُوا يَمْكُرُونَ)) "There will afflict those who committed crimes debasement before

Obama announced his plan Wednesday 10/09/2014 to lead a lethal colonial alliance, for the region, under the pretext of fighting terrorism and ISIS organization ... as he said. Earlier Kerry stated that forty countries will participate in this alliance, and its strategy could take years rather than months, and that America will be training and arming the Iraqi army, the Peshmerga and the moderate opposition! Pursuant to the Obama's alliance,…

A Call to the Fighter Organizations and the Clans in Iraq and Ash-Sham: Stop the Infighting amongst Yourselves Since America Exploits your Battling to Intervene Militarily in your Country (Translated)

Events in Iraq and Syria have accelerated, and accelerated with it Obama's remarks on 18/08/2014, and the remarks of his Defense Secretary Hegel and the Chief of Staff Dempsey, at the press conference on 22/08/2014, about Obama's long-term strategy for military intervention in the region... and about the direction to create an international coalition that supports military intervention by America... All this after declared demands appeared by some of the…

To the Armies in Muslims Countries and in Particular the Pitiful Ring Countries! Did the Blood in your Veins not Boil from the Crimes by the Jews, then Give Nusrah for the People of Palestine? (Translated)

For the sixth consecutive day and the usurper Jewish entity to Palestine hails the people of Gaza with all kinds of devastating weapons, until its crimes inflicted humans, trees and stones... Destroying houses over the heads of its people; whoever survives under the rubble is haunted by missiles on foot or riding... Mosques and even facilities for the disabled were not saved from those crimes. With the escalation of such…
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